WCRA website promoting Stage and TSD Rally Sport in British Columbia
Press Release
Performance Rallying Returns to BC
Oct 05 - Mountain Trials & June 06 - Pacific Forest Rally
Sponsored by Yokohama Tires
click for contingency program
Cache Creek - The exciting sport of Performance Rallying returns to the BC motorsports calendar this summer. Two closed-access, high-speed road rallies are being planned: The Mountain Trials Rally - October 05th in Merritt, and Pacific Forest Rally - June 08 in Merritt..Teams from across BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest will be headed to these events sanctioned by Rally Pacific Motorsports, the BC region of the Canadian Association of Rallysport and part of the Western Canada Rally Championship (6 events in BC and Alberta) 2002 WCRC Championship Standings
The Mountain Trials Rally has been held in BC's southern interior off and on since 1960. During the 1970's and 80's this event became famous as part of the Canadian National Rally Championship. Revived once again in 2000, the Mountain Trials Rally will feature challenging roads around the Cache Creek/Merritt area to test the abilities of the rally teams and their vehicles.
Pacific Forest Rally is another 70's/80's National Performance Rally with a long BC tradition. It was revived for 2000 and will take place around Merritt. It was observed as a CARS National Event and is on the 2003 CARS National Rally Schedule.
Over the past few years Performance Rallying has experienced strong growth in Canada. National level rallies attract thousands of spectators and are televised regularly. Unlike conventional racing, rallies are held primarily on forest access roads. Conditions on these roads can dictate speeds from well over 200 km/h to as low as 30 km/h. Also, unlike racing, the route remains unknown to the driver until it is read at speed by the co-driver (navigator). At every moment, the car, driver and co-driver must be ready for whatever may be around the next curve!
The Performance Rally format consists of two parts: Special Stages and Transit Sections. Special Stages are run flat-out against the clock and are closed to public traffic. Transit Sections are the routes between Stages, in which teams must obey all traffic laws. Plenty of time is given to allow teams to arrive at the start of the next Special Stage without speeding, and penalties are assessed for arriving too early or too late. The accumulation of times from the Special Stages and any Transit Section penalties make up the final scores and help to determine the winner.
If you would like to find out more about rallying contact the BC Rally Director, Paul Westwick, at 604.682.3296 <paul @ rallybc.com> or check out the BC Region website at www.rallybc.com
For more information:

Mountain Trials Rally

Pacific Forest Rally

October 05, Merritt, BC

June 08, Merritt, BC

Hosted by the
West Coast Rally Assoc

Hosted by the
West Coast Rally Assoc

Contact Ken Kwong

Contact Ken Kwong

<ken @ rallybc.com>

<ken @ rallybc.com>

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